Monday, June 1, 2009

what my passion ??? suddenly this question came out of my mind reading some of my friends blog. her blog is so filled with things of God, and here i am in a roller coaster ride in my walk. people see me walking well, but no i'm not. i've been too comfortable as a sheep as a cell member that church has become a place where it's about fun. i hate it when i do not break down in God's presence like how it use to be. i hate it when i think like a non-believer sometimes.
my studies is also heading nowhere! thats the worst that can ever happen to me, a student who shocked his whole family literally when people thought i'm lousy. i'm certainly not as stupid as they think, because they choose to see me that way, i can't do anything to that but to go on with what i'm doing. i've realised, the moment i advanced to poly, the passion for my studies had sailed away, almost becoming another titanic. SERIOUSLY what has happen to me!
i find myself exercising more frequently with my hands and mouth, using chopsticks, forks and spoons rather than with my weights or going out for jog or swimming. where has that motivation to exercise gone to??? where's my passion?!!! will the dream to climb mount everest be a dream forever? i hope not SERIOUSLY HOPE NOT ...